Monday, January 20, 2025
'Admin grants permission for 8th Muharram procession from Gurubazar to Dalgate'
STATE / Sun, Jul 14, 2024 04:01 PM

Admin grants permission for 8th Muharram procession from Gurubazar to Dalgate

Srinagar July 14 :- The administration has granted permission for Muharram Procession on 8th Muharram from Guru Bazar to Dalgate via Budshah Kadal and M.A Road, Srinagar.

"Whereas, an application was received from Yaadgar-i-Hussaini Committee seeking permission for taking out Muharram procession on 8th Muharram-1445 from Guru Bazar to Dalgate via Budshah Kadal and M.A Road, Srinagar;Whereas, the matter was taken up with the Senior Superintendent of Police, Srinagar vide this office No. DMS/Jud/Muharram/2024/596-597 dated: 05-7-2024 for comments.Whereas Senior Superintendent of Police, Srinagar vide No. CS/45-2024/48172-74 date: 14-7-2024 has conveyed NO OBJECTION in favour (Yaadgar-i-Hussaini Committee) for taking out Muharram procession on 8th Muharram from Guru Bazar to Dalgate via Budshah Kadal and M.A Road, Srinagar," reads the order issued by District Magistrate Srinagar a copy of which lies with News Agency 

 The permission as per order will remain subject to the conditions that they shall use one tube of road (Left side) and shall keep other side of road (right side) open for plying of emergency service vehicles etc,bThat the organizers of the said procession shall ensure that the procession is culminated within the prescribed timeframe set by the administration, That they shall not indulge in any anti-national / anti-administration speeches / sloganeering or propaganda and no activity shall in any way affect the communal sectarian harmony, religious / ethnic /cultural and regional sentiments of the people,  That no activity during the procession should be prejudicial to the security and sovereignty of the state and should not disrespect any national symbol / emblem, that they shall not hoist any flag depicting provocative slogans / text and/or photos of terrorists, logos of banned organizations both international and national," it reads.

The order conditions include that they shall cooperate with local police and other security agencies for salient purpose, That they shall not cause any obstruction in smooth flow of traffic / medical exigencies, That they shall not use Drone during the procession and they shall not install public address system or stage and loudspeakers in any case which may cause inconvenience to others.

"Keeping in view the above, the permission is hereby GRANTED in favour of Yaadgar-i- Hussaini Committee, Kaloo Manzil Mohalla Guru Bazar) for taking out Muharram procession on 8th Muharram from Guru Bazar to Dalgate via Budshah Kadal and M.A Road, Srinagar, Srinagar, the traditional. However, they shall start from Guru Bazar at 0600 hours and tail of the procession shall cross Jehangir Chowk at 0630 hours & J&K Bank Hqrs, M.A.Road at 0800 hours. The time window has been finalized in the larger public interest as the procession route encompasses massive business / commercial establishments, movement of ambulances, students, office staff, general passengers, etc." reads the permission order.


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