Wednesday, October 16, 2024
'Healthy India will surely become ‘Vishav Guru’ in the world: Pt Harish Uniyal '
ENTERTAINMENT / Mon, May 20, 2024 06:54 PM

Healthy India will surely become ‘Vishav Guru’ in the world: Pt Harish Uniyal

Jammu, May 19:

Pandit HarishChandra Uniyal is a brand name in the history of cleanliness of the environmentand water resources. He is the person who has the mission to make a healthyIndia to prosper in the globe as the country must be disease free. He isworking day & night and keen to aware the people of India in this concern.He has started a big revolution in the field of cleanliness and to make Indiahealthy and wealthy. If there is no disease then there is no poverty accordingto him.

Inspired by the 'Namami Gange' campaign launched forthe cleanliness of the Ganga by India's esteemed Prime Minister, Shri NarendraModi, Pandit Harish Chandra Uniyal from Devbhumi Uttarakhand founded the 'Namami Narmada Sangh'.

On the historic day of September 17, 2020, at Khalghatin Madhya Pradesh, on the banks of the Narmada, Pandit Harish Chandra Uniyal,along with his associates, pledged to make the Narmada clean and beautiful.With this pledge, they committed to maintaining not just the Narmada but allIndian rivers in a clean and natural state.

Since that day, the founder and national president of'Namami Narmada Sangh,' Pandit Harish Chandra Uniyal, has taken bold steps thatemphasize the significance of water, forests, and life. He has also raisedawareness among the masses about the importance of cow protection. As a resultof his efforts, people are joining him daily, becoming more vigilant andsensitive towards river cleanliness, environmental conservation, and cowprotection.

Today, 'Namami Narmada Sangh'is striving across the country to achieve its goals and is working to involvemore people in its mission. Their operational area spans states such asUttarakhand, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Rajasthan, Bihar, Jammu and Kashmir,Jharkhand, Delhi, Punjab, Madhya Pradesh, Haryana, Sikkim, Maharashtra, andothers.

Pandit Harish Chandra Uniyal's soleobjective is to continue his efforts until his goals are achieved. Hiscontributions are considered a model for Indian society, marking a significantstep towards the preservation and enhancement of natural resources. His workinspires people to become partners in this mission, ensuring not only thecleanliness of rivers but also a clean and healthy future for society.


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